Ayer Rajah Community Club
At first glance, Ayer Rajah CC looks like a very normal CC. Hidden away on the rooftop of the three-storey building, however, is a beautiful garden, where you can enjoy the evening breeze surrounded by greenery. The bonsais found in the garden are taken care of by an interest group which meets every Friday. Also within the CC are two ponds where koi fishes are reared.
Other than the usual facilities, the CC is built to be barrier-free and designed to provide greater accessibility for the disabled and the elderly. In addition, they also offer day care services for senior citizens.
Whether you want to join our activity or be part of our bonsai interest group or just want to feed the fishes, visit us!.
Call to find out more about the services and facilities available.
Current Operating Hours
Community Clubs/Centres (CCs)
Facilities: 10am - 10pm Counter Services: 10am - 6pm Closed on public holidays
Void Deck CCs
Facilities: 2pm - 10pm Counter Services: 2pm - 6pm Closed on public holidays
Operating hours prior to COVID-19 (currently not in play):
Operating Hours: 09:00 - 22:00 Payment Hours: 09:30 - 21:30
Contact Information
150 Pandan Gardens S609335 Phone: 65609983 Fax: 65666901 Email: PA_AYERRAJAHCC@pa.gov.sg I want to register for a course
Badminton Court I want to book a facility