Bishan Community Club
Bishan CC is conveniently situated in the midst of Bishan, opposite the Bishan bus interchange, MRT station and Junction 8 Shopping Centre. There is a Dome Café within the CC where you can relax after your game or class or if you just want to chill out with your friends.
The CC is also renown for its Indian Classical Dance interest group, which has taken part in Chingay Processions, National Day Parade, CC and RC organised functions, temple shows as well as overseas performances. It has also produced its own shows such as “Varna” (2009) which took place at the Drama Centre Auditorium, NLB.
Call to find out more about the services and facilities available.
Current Operating Hours
Community Clubs/Centres (CCs)
Facilities: 10am - 10pm Counter Services: 10am - 6pm Closed on public holidays
Void Deck CCs
Facilities: 2pm - 10pm Counter Services: 2pm - 6pm Closed on public holidays
Operating hours prior to COVID-19 (currently not in play):
Operating Hours: 09:00 - 22:00 Payment Hours: 09:00 - 21:30
Contact Information
51 Bishan Street 13 S579799 Phone: 62594720 Fax: 63531912 Email: I want to register for a course
Karaoke Lounge Lecture Room Classroom Seminar Room I want to book a facility